

This document describes the Inbus protocol up to Version 2


Version Description Date
v1 Initial version Nov 2017
v2 Payload must be base64 Mar 2018


Use of the words, must, should, could, etc. adheres to the best practices suggested in RFC2119.

Version info is [marked in bold between square brackets]


[Unless otherwise specified, no changes have been made in v2]

Protocol messages MUST be specified in the following JSON format:

    "version" : <inbus-version>,
    "opcode" : <opcode>,
    "application" :[ <app-key>, <app-type> ],
    "address" : [ <ip-number>, <port> ],
    "payload" : <payload>

All messages MUST contain all elements, even if they are not used.

Elements that do not apply to a particular type of message (as defined by its <opcode>), SHOULD be an empty string or zero, depending on the data type.

[increased with each new protocol version]

Integer specifying the Inbus protocol version. MUST be 2.

Integer specifying the type of message.

  • 0: reserved
  • 1: subscribe
  • 2: unsubscribe
  • 3: publish
  • 4-999: reserved

String identifying the application to which the message applies.

The values * and _inbus are reserved for future use.


Integer, specifying an application defined value. Can be used to distinguish multiple messages related to the same application.

The element only applies to publish messages.


String containing the IP number part of the subscriber address. The address identifies the subscriber.

In case of a publish message, the element does NOT apply.


Integer containing the port number of the subscriber address. The address identifies the subscriber.

In case of a publish message, the element does NOT apply.

The subscriber address, together with the app-key uniquely identifies a subscription.


String specifying a user defined payload. This implies that binary data must be string-encoded.

The element only applies to publish messages.

[since v2:]

The payload MUST be base64 encoded.


The protocol SHOULD use port 7222.

Version Interoperability

Inbus server implementations MUST guarantee that messages published using a certain protocol version are also distributed to the subscribers using that same protocol version.

Inbus server implementations MUST reject messages of unknown protocol versions.

Example messages

{   "version" : 2 ,
    "opcode" : 1,
    "application" : [ "upnp", 0 ],
    "address" : [ "", 3456 ],
    "payload" : ""

Subscription message indicating that the subscriber wants to receive messages from an application that publishes messages under the “upnp” app-key. The subscriber can be reached at the address.

{   "version" : 2 ,
    "opcode" : 2,
    "application" : [ "upnp", 0 ],
    "address" : [ "", 3456 ],
    "payload" : ""

Message indicating that the subscriber (reachable at the address no longer wants to receive messages from the application that publishes messages under the “upnp” app-key.

[In v1, the message looks like:]

{   "version" : 1 ,
    "opcode" : 3,
    "application" : [ "upnp", 17 ],
    "address" : [ "", 0 ],
    "payload" : "Omega - Gammapolis I. - 0:45"

Message sent by the application using the app-key “upnp”, using app-type 17.

[In v2, the message looks like:]

{   "version" : 2 ,
    "opcode" : 3,
    "application" : [ "upnp", 17 ],
    "address" : [ "", 0 ],
    "payload" : "T21lZ2EgLSBHYW1tYXBvbGlzIEkuIC0gMDo0NQo="